Sunday, July 18, 2004

Third stage of love for men: LOYALTY PART TWO

LOYALTY! LOYALTY! LOYALTY! The only three words to counter that would be TESTOSTERONE! TESTOSTERONE! TESTOSTERONE! It is this chemical that flows in large proportions throughout men that gives men that good old fashion SEX URGE. That urge to look at countless women while at the same time holding hands with the woman we love. That urge that gives men the capacity to be with woman after woman just for the sex of it instead of the emotional connection. Ladies men don't cheat, men follow the course of what nature has decreed to be the chief chemical that makes them seek as many sexual encounters as possible. Does this mean that testosterone rids men of personal responsibility? NO! Does this mean that testosterone gives all men an access pass authorized by nature to allow men to be WRECKLESS in their relationship? NO! What it does mean though is that a man BY NATURE is designed to go from woman to woman? A mans sex urges flow through his body every hour. That is mans cycle. The cycle may take place in actual thoughts or it may show itself as the sheer stimulation that a man feels just because of the makeup of testosterone. Compare this cycle with the 28 days of a woman. To compare the two and say that men are just like women would be absolutely ridiculous. Since the main chemical that regulate the makeup of women is ESTROGEN, the concept of going from person to person may seem somewhat immoral and non-committal to women. This would also mean that NATURE would allow MEN to be barbaric and savage with the inablility to settle down and be a part of a loving relationship with a woman. So to solve this problem NATURE being all purposeful and all knowing came up with the solution of having more then one MARITAL SYSTEM.

What does all this talk of SCIENCE AND MARITAL SYSTEMS have to do with INFIDELITY and men being unfaithful? It means that the way in which we choose to commit and the type of marital system that we choose to operate under is a hidden cause of unfaithfulness. If the women far outnumber men in the world by the millions we have to totally re-evaluate whether or not MONOGAMY OR INDUSTRIAL marriage is the best choice for a society that promotes promiscuity and does not take into account the MAJOR differences that make both genders different and unique. So called cheating is committed by a man in one of two ways. The mans decision to cheat is either PRE MEDITATED OR SPONTANEOUS. To fully understand how each one takes place means delving into the deepest part of a MANS NATURE. Once the man becomes bored and uninterested in a relationship then his mind starts to wonder. If the woman becomes nagging and a nuisance then the man will slowly consider the relationship a burden instead of a benefit. Remember ladies men in some ways are like children so it is very important to be aware when your man is becoming disinterested. It is at this point that the idea of having another woman may be more temping to him. He starts to contemplate dealing with someone else without you knowing about it. To most men the idea of having a wife to settle down with and live his nice wholesome life as well as a mistress that doesn't stress him out and is available for the man to talk to without any friction is very appealing. This falls along the lines of Pre-meditated cheating. On the end is the spontaneous cheating. This happens on the whim. This isn't planned and it doesn't occur because the man is becoming dissatisfied. This occurs because the man has the opportunity to deal with another woman and simply because he can deal with one he will deal with one. Just because a man deals with another woman doesn't mean that he loves the woman or cares about her, it just means that the man has succumb to his urges and has temporarily discarded his commitments.

This type of behavior is detrimental and can cause serious heartache to the woman that gives her heart and time to a man just have him deal with another woman. Ladies to avoid this you may have to embrace the notion of allowing your man to have more then one WIFE. Allowing this will add more structure and stability to a situation that at this point in time is in crisis mode. The type of marriage that Americans are in now is Industrial marriage and monogamous marriage. Industrial marriage deals with one man and one woman. Monogamy is just one parent or single parent household contrary to popular belief. Industrial marriage is set up to stabilize the household because both parents have to work outside the home. This type of marriage is setup up out of forced conditions not necessarily loving and feeling conditions. Monogamy or single parent households are the result of extreme conditions and leave the one parent with no other choice but to take on the role of MOTHER AND FATHER. To eliminate this, POLYGYNY will organize an other wise chaotic institution of marriage into one that is organized and spiritual. Men going from woman to woman is both the calling of nature and at most times the calling of a high level of insecurity and false masculinity on the part of men. Regardless of which marital system you choose to settle down and marry into, the most important thing is to seriously assess the maturity level of the man you choose. It doesn't matter if you are or the system is organize, a man has to first learn DISCIPLINE. POLYGYNY DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT A MAN WILL BE RESPONSIBLE AND MATURE. It is a system. And like all systems it has to operated in a certain way. And in this system the woman chooses who the other wives should be. To operate under this system the man has to be strong and a warrior. Not someone that is concerned with being a PIMP. He has to be serious about life and business. And ironically, this same seriousness is also needed if you decide to practice the more common marriages that we practice today. The moral of this story is that the man is the MORAL. In any relationship a man has a vow to be upfront with the woman he chooses and avoid the pitfalls of acting forever young and refusing to GROW UP, BE MEN AND START LEADING WOMEN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

The third stage of love for men: LOYALTY PART ONE

Loyalty- the quality or state or an instance of being loyal
synonym see FIDELITY

Loyal- 1 : unswerving in allegiance: as a : faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or government b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
2 : showing loyalty
3 : obsolete : LAWFUL, LEGITIMATE
synonym see FAITHFUL

Why do men cheat? This all too familiar question is the main staple of the mind numbing talk show t.v. circuit. It is the gas that fuels thousands of relationship and personal self help books. All of these venues claiming to offer a quick fix solution as to why men sow thier royal oats with various women. Well if you are accustomed to such fluff and childish excuse for adult solutions, then this explanation on the third stage of love for men will most certainly HURT your feelings. The following explanation can be backed up by tons of facts and I by all means welcome the reader to challenge, rant, rave and fight tooth and nail to oppose the following view. So please clear your mind and read real carefully on arguably the worst problem facing relationships in America. LOYALTY.

The previous introduction was very necessary because in order to understand the depths of infedility, both MEN and especially WOMEN have to dig real deep into the core of our consciousness that serves as "HOME BASE" for all information and beliefs that direct our BEING. To understand why MEN "cheat" is definitely the wrong question to ask; and taking an approach with this question in mind will only lead the seeker of this question to chasing thier tales. Whether then bombard you with countless statisics and examples, I will simply proceed on giving an overlay as to the current state of affairs that is relationships.

Why do men cheat? First of all men do not cheat. Cheating implies that we(MEN AND WOMEN) are playing some sort of game. If both partners in a relationship are serious then nobody is playing any games. To understand MENS approach towards women you have to explore the deepest parts of their mind. If we all want to get out of the crisis that is American relationships then I am sorry but we are going to have to get SCIENTIFIC. To put it in a language that you can understand; the solution to your infedility problems with men IS IN THE GENES STUPID. Not those bugle boys or expensive VERSACE JEANS, but those genes your parents gave you. If you want to understand why men must have loads of women and seem to process committment and loyalty much different then you ladies then you have to explore the entire makeup of what we call THE HUMAN MALE. The chemicals that flow through, the body parts that men are endowed with and the way in which the chemicals and body parts function largely influence the way men think and feel. If you feel that this is way too much to deal with to solve infedility then I say to you enjoy your increasing divorce rates. Enjoy your ever increasing woman to man ratio(check the census to see how many more women exist then men). And also enjoy being single and lonely while you continue to tell yourself that you don't need a man and you are happy with your career. However if you are a woman that has some sense and has tried EVERYTHING, then sit back and enjoy this exploration into the mind of men and what makes them tick. SEE PART TWO for the continuation of The third stage of love for men: LOYALTY.